
Zaros (in Greek: Ζαρός)

Accommodation in Zaros

So far we have booked rooms at Hotel Idi and Pension Keramos.

Mount Idi (or Ida or Psiloritis -- in Greek: Ίδη, Ψηλορείτης)

Near Zaros

Interactive map of Crete

Iraklio (Heraklion -- in Greek: Ηράκλειο)

Accommodation in Iraklio

Some people may need to stay in Iraklio for some days, before or after the meeting. Some might prefer to stay there even during the duration of the meeting and drive down to Zaros every day (an hour's drive; not recommended). We have received special offers from the following hotels which are centrally located in Iraklio:

When reserving please mention that you coming to HARP 2006, organized by the Department of Mathematics of the Univ. of Crete.

There are numerous other options for hotels in Iraklio or nearby.

Travel links

(no endorsements)