Λεωφ. Κνωσού, 714 09 Ηράκλειο. Τηλ: +30 2810393800, Fax +30 2810393881
If is a compact group, and
a regular Borel probability
measure on
, it is known that the random walk on
steps are distributed according to the measure
converges in
distribution to the Haar measure of the group (uniform
distribution) iff
is aperiodic, i.e., not concentrated on a
proper closed subgroup of
or on a coset of a proper closed
normal subgroup. This was proved by P. Levy for the group
(the unit circle) and then established by others for more
general compact groups. Notice that the distribution of the
position of the random walk at time
is the
, and ``convergence in
distribution" in the above statement means that
(Haar measure) in the weak
topology. It is also known that
this convergence also holds in the total variation norm, i.e.,
, if in addition not all powers
are singular with respect to Haar measure
. We
shall derive these results by means of Fourier transforms. To
prove the convergence in the total variation norm, we shall first
obtain spectral radii formulae for the Fourier transforms of
functions and measures, analoguous to the Beurling-Gelfand
spectral radius formula for the Fourier transform in Abelian
groups. As another application of the spectral radius formula for
functions, one obtains the uniform convergence (to
) of
the densities of the measures
has a density
with respect to Haar measure which belongs to
for some
, a result first obtained by Shlosman by a
different method.
Joint work with M. Annousis.
http://fourier.math.uoc.gr/~ seminar