Analysis Seminar in Crete (2017-18)

Σεμιναριο Αναλυσης

    Department of Mathematics and Applied Math / Fourier and Functional Analysis / Previous years: 2016-17/ 2015-16/ 2014-15/ 2013-14/ 2012-13/ 2011-12/ 2010-11/ 2009-10/ 2008-09/ 2007-08/ 2006-07/ 2005-06/ 2004-05 / Summer 2004 / 2003-04 / 2002-03 / 2001-02 / 2000-01 / 1999-00

    Analysis Seminars in the World / Analysis seminars in Greece

In chronological ordering

10/11/2017 10:15 A303George CostakisUniversity of Crete Common hypercyclic vectors for multiples of operators along sparse orbits
10/18/2017 10:15 AM A303Kostas PanterisUniversity of Crete Closed range composition operators on Bergman and Besov spaces
10/25/2017 11:15 A303Kostas PanterisUniversity of Crete Closed range composition operators on Hardy spaces.
11/8/2017 10:15 A303Ioannis ParissisUniversity of the Basque Country The Hilbert transform along finite order lacunary sets of directions
Abstract: Abstract is here.
11/29/2017 10:15 A303Konstantinos Tzirakis University of Crete Sharp Hardy-Sobolev estimates for fractional Hardy-Schrödinger operators
Abstract: Abstract is here.
2/14/2018 10:15 A303Nikos FrantzikinakisUniversity of Crete The Sarnak conjecture for ergodic weights
Abstract: The Mobius function is a multiplicative function which encodes important information related to distributional properties of the prime numbers. It is widely believed that its non-zero values fluctuate between plus and minus one in a random way. One conjecture in this direction, formulated by Sarnak, states that the Mobius function does not correlate with any bounded deterministic sequence. We are going to prove this conjecture for all ergodic deterministic sequences. A key advantage in our approach is that it makes a connection with some deep results in ergodic theory which we use in order to study structural properties of measure preserving systems naturally associated with the Mobius function. This is joint work with Bernard Host.
3/7/2018 10:15 A303George CostakisUniversity of Crete How to recognize power-regular operators?
3/14/2018 10:15 A303Mihalis KolountzakisUniversity of Crete Translational tiling and computation
Abstract: We will discuss about computational aspects of the question "Does this set tile space by translation?".
4/25/2018 10:15 A303George MavrogiannisUniversity of Crete An infinite family of Ramanujan graphs
Abstract: We present the construction, by Marcus, Spielman and Srivastava, of an inifinite family of $d$-regular, bipartite graphs all of whose non-trivial eigenvalues (apart from $\pm d$, that is) are bounded by $2\sqrt{d-1}$ in absolute value.
7/11/2018 11:15 B201Mihalis KolountzakisUniversity of Crete Some applications of the Kadison-Singer conjecture (a theorem since 2013)
7/11/2018 12:15 B201George MavrogiannisUniversity of Crete The proof of the Kadison-Singer conjecture (MSc thesis presentation)

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Page maintained by Mihalis Kolountzakis, Nikos Frantzikinakis, Mihalis Papadimitrakis